Advertise in The Peddler Classifieds Weekly Newspaper in Clarksville & Hopkinsville area in Tennessee
Distributed in 11+ counties throughout Tennessee & Kentucky!!
Product Description
Advertise in The Peddler Classifieds Weekly Newspaper in Clarksville & Hopkinsville area in Tennessee with a total circulation of 30,000 and a readership of 90,000. The advertising rate is based on a 20-WORD classified line ad in print for one week PLUS 7-days online! Additional word cost is .50 each per week. Deadline is Friday, 3pm EST for the following week edition. This free pick-up weekly publication is distributed and racked on Thursday. To get the best advertising results, we recommend you include a telephone number in your ad when possible. Save time and order multiple weeks now!
-Want to draw attention to your ad? Increase the visibility of your ad by adding a bordered outline for an additional $6.00
-SAVE TIME and order multiple weeks NOW!
- Display ads are available. Email your ad and request to the Sales Depart at
(*All ads listed under Business Services must run at least 8 consecutive weeks!)