Advertise in the Southern Massachusetts Shoppers Weekly Newspapers Direct Mailed & Free Newspapers

SOUTHERN MASSACHUSETTS Shoppers Weekly Newspapers
SOUTHERN MASSACHUSETTS Shoppers Weekly Newspapers
Item# 111208

Product Description

Place your print classified advertising will be mailed to over 25,000 homes and businesses in the Southern Massachusetts area. These Shopper Weekly Newspapers are both direct mailed and free pick up newspapers. Newspapers are distributed every Thursdays. Deadline is Thursdays for the following Thursday's print. Rate is based on a 20 word classified line ad for one week. Additional word cost is $1.50 per word per week. Advertise in the South Massachusetts Shoppers today! Shoppers are mailed to the following towns: Dudley, Webster, Oxford, N. Oxford, Sturbridge, Charlton,

Shoppers are rack distributed to the following towns: Southbridge, Spencer, Brimfield, Warren, Brookfields,

Also, electronic copies are sent to hundreds of readers.