Advertise in the Redlands, California Green Sheet Weekly Digital Newspaper That is Now Servicing Loma Linda, Yucaipa, Calimesa, Banning, Beaumont, and Surrounding Areas!

*  REDLANDS, CALIFORNIA Green Sheet Weekly Newspaper
* REDLANDS, CALIFORNIA Green Sheet Weekly Newspaper
Item# 220CAP

Product Description

The Redland, California Green Sheet is one of the top demand shopping guides in the southwest reaching the homes in Loma Linda, Yucaipa, Calimesa, Banning, Beaumont, and Surrounding Areas! This weekly publication offers both print and online advertising. Deadline is every Thursdays for the ad to be out in the rack the following Thursday. Rate is based on a 20 word classified ad for one week. Additional word cost is $1.00 each. Border can be added for $6.00. Place your ad today!