Advertise in the USA Today Friday Edition - The Weekend Edition. $340.00 Advertise in The USA Today's Best Value! Advertise in the USA TODAY Weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) edition! Readership: Over 1.6 Million. Rate is based on a 4 line classified line ad (approximately 30 characters or 4 words per line) for one insertion, print only. Additional lines are $85.00 per line. Deadline is Friday at noon for the following Friday edition. For multiple Fridays, please enter the number of days in the quantity box, and specify the days you want the ad to run. The Online Advertising option can be purchase separately at an additional $85.00 for one week. Advertise USA Today's best value, advertise in the weekend's edition of the USA Today.
Advertise in the USA Today 1 Weekday Edition - Choose Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. $280.00 Advertise in the USA TODAY Weekday edtion. Get your ad in over 1.4 Million papers! Advertising rate is based on a 4 line ad (approximately 30 characters or 4 words per line) for ONE weekday insertion in the USA TODAY, print only! Additional lines are $85.00 per line. Choose from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday OR Thursday. Please specify in the "Comments" box on the order form which day you would like the ad to run. The Online Advertising option can be purchase separately at an additonal $75.00 for one week. Deadlines are noon, three days prior for placement. For multiple days, please enter the number of days in the quantity box, and specify the days you want the ad to run. Advertise in one Weekday edition of the USA Today now for only $294.00 per day.
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 Place a 1 Inch Ad in USA TODAY - Friday Edition Marketplace Advertise in The USA Today's Best Value! Advertise in the USA TODAY Weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) edition! Readership: Over 1.6 Million. Ad size is 1" x 1.3" wide |
 Place a 2 Inch Ad in USA TODAY - Friday Edition Marketplace Place a 2 Inch Ad in USA TODAY - Friday Edition Marketplace. Advertise in The USA Today's Best Value! Advertise in the USA TODAY Weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) edition! Readership: Over 1.6 Million. Ad size is 1" deep x 2.73" wide. |
 Place a 4 Inch Ad in USA TODAY - Friday Edition Marketplace Place a 1 Inch Ad in USA TODAY - Friday Edition Marketplace. Advertise in The USA Today's Best Value! Advertise in the USA TODAY Weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) edition! Readership: Over 1.6 Million. Ad size is 2" deep x 2.73" wide |